The Isotopia cycle

The Isotopia cycle

At the crossroads between art and science, Stéfane Perraud has initiated the Isotopia cycle in 2012. The project consists in an ensemble of interactive installations, actions, sculptures, graphic and photographic works, all of which intend to break the wall separating the ordinary mortal from the nuclear material. Fiction – notably…

This article is 87 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

Dans les yeux #01

Dans les yeux #01

This print was realised for the exhibition Le Sarcopage de L. près de M. (en D.), which was held at Galerie de Roussan, Paris, in 2013. The two protagonists represented on the photograph are the heroes of the fiction, which haunted the exhibition. Original edition, Dibond, photoengraving on aluminium, ink,…

This article is 101 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

Alors, ils se mirent à parler du temps – Galerie de Roussan

Alors, ils se mirent à parler du temps – Galerie de Roussan

Alors, ils se mirent à parler du temps Lily Hibberd, François Mazabraud, Stéfane Perraud, Petra Kohle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Sandra Aubry & Sébastien Bourg 16.11.2013 > 21.12.2013 Vernissage 15.11.2013

This article is 29 words long. It will take around 0 minute(s) to read.



Young International Art Fair 23.10.2013 > 27.10.2013 Vernissage 23.10.2013

This article is 177 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

Le Sarcophage de L. près de M. (en D.) – Galerie de Roussan

Le Sarcophage de L. près de M. (en D.) – Galerie de Roussan

Stéfane Perraud’s solo exhibition Le Sarcophage de L. près de M. (en D.) invites the viewers to follow the artist within an introspective fiction as they enter a mysterious space, in which sculptural clues and signs altogether call for interpretation through a play of lights. The fiction takes on a…

This article is 561 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

Sur la Mauvaise Pente – Galerie de Roussan

Sur la Mauvaise Pente – Galerie de Roussan

Sur la Mauvaise Pente Exposition collective Joël Andrianomearisoa, Claire Chesnier, Pablo Delgado, Esther Ferrer, Laurence Papouin, Stéfane Perraud, Philippe Tourriol, Michel Verjux, Isabelle Wenzel Commissaire: Nabila Mokrani “Exposition organisée dans le cadre de la saison Nouvelles Vagues du Palais de Tokyo avec le soutien du Comité professionnel des galeries d’art”…

This article is 54 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

Fragment #12, les médailles

Fragment #12, les médailles

This project consists in the reproduction of the medal, which was offered to the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, and onto which the letters alpha, bêta and gamma have been erased. It was shown in the exhibition Le Sarcophage de L. près de M. (en D.),…

This article is 100 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

Fragment #01 à #11- La lettre à Gilgamesh

Fragment #01 à #11- La lettre à Gilgamesh

This project was shown in the exhibition Le Sarcophage de L. près de M. (en D.), which was held at Galerie de Roussan, Paris, in 2013. When alpha had a difficult task to accomplish, it would go to a certain place in the forest, light a fire and plunge into a…

This article is 328 words long. It will take around 2 minute(s) to read.

Le Sarcophage

Le Sarcophage

This interactive video installation was shown in the exhibition Le Sarcopage de L. près de M. (en D.), which was held at Galerie de Roussan, Paris, in 2013. The user can activate a robot, which moves in a space inhabited by animal figures. Computer, television screen, electronic interface.  

This article is 213 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.



Kintsugi est un projet en cours qui a été développé dans le cadre de l’exposition Nouvelles Vagues, Palais de Tokyo hors les murs. Le marbre utilisé dans ce projet provient directement d’une des colonnes du Palais. Ce projet découle directement de mon précédent projet Lignes de Faille dans lequel je cartographie des séismes majeurs à l’aide de…

This article is 227 words long. It will take around 2 minute(s) to read.